A Little Bit of Everything

As we enter month seven of the Covid Pandemic, artists are trying to utilize any means necessary to keep their artistic flame alive. I have been fortunate to work with great musicians during the quarantine and have found that there is still much to be done despite very few opportunities to perform as usual. I am looking forward to performing at the Epiphany Arts Center on Saturday Oct 24th with the Frank Catalano Quartet. There are tickets available to attend the concert in person as well as via livestream. https://epiphanychi.com/frank-catalano-102420-s/?fbclid=IwAR1OfEDgyEUM2btd8KeGPOwFRddsULo8GIDksWNDjluV8w4IGSkmYIqAGIc

Earlier this month we had an excellent performance of my Jazz Mallet ensemble featuring students from Glenbrook North and New Trier High School with specials guest Tom Vaitsas and Alex Austin. Here’s my arrangement of Cedar Walton’s Holy Land:

Throughout Quarantine I’ve been able to meet regularly with my trio in prepartion for a our first recording due to happen in Jan 2021. Here is a sneak peak at one of the tracks we’ve been working on.